We continue to closely monitor COVID-19 developments and due to this unprecedented situation with this pandemic, the MCCSIS 2021 conferences will be held virtually using the platform Zoom. Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and group messaging into one easy-to-use platform.
We will give the possibility for authors to make their presentations on-line, in a synchronous way. We will be using the GMT+1 Timezone (https://greenwichmeantime.com/ time-zone/gmt-plus-1/) to organize the program and schedule the sessions. For those who cannot be live, making the presentation, we will give the opportunity to pre-record it and we will broadcast it during the sessions.
All sessions will be recorded and recordings of all presentations will be made available to all participants in the conferences. Further instructions regarding this presentations will be sent to all registered authors.
We are making all the efforts to provide the best scientific and social interactions between the participants and by adopting this virtual way of hosting the conference we are taking in consideration the welfare and well-being of all conference participants.